Co-founder of Disability Horizons, Martyn Sibley, shares his thoughts on the past year and Disability Horizons’ plans for reaching and empowering more disabled people, as well as increasing inclusion and making a difference in 2020.
They say a change is as good as a rest. This is absolutely relevant for me right now!
I’m writing this post with a full heart, tummy and head. My heart is full from the Christmas presents and connections. My tummy is full from all the delicious festive food. My head is full of inspired ideas for next year.
Naturally, I plan to continue with my healthier habits: maintaining my independence, enjoying awesome leisure experiences, and all that jazz. Work-wise, 2020 is going to be a big year 🙂
Disability Horizons
In 2019 Disability Horizons published more articles than any previous year. We grew our readership to more than 500,000 people, supported thousands on social media, have nearly 6,000 email subscribers and we’re loving it. A big thanks to our dedicated voluntary team for keeping this amazing resource running.
Disabled people are facing, and unfortunately will still face, more barriers as we go into the new year. Our editor Liz Ransome-Croker and her team have bigger and bolder plans for our community.
We will be publishing more valuable advice, empowering information, important campaigns and community insights, all to push for a more inclusive world.
World Changers
18 months ago it struck me that changemakers need accountability, a community and a road map of action. So I started the World Changers Facebook group and wrote weekly posts about how to change the world.
Watch out for my posts and newsletters in January. I’m launching something that’s much needed, and something bigger and better for World Changers. I’m excited to share this with you soon.
Inclusive marketing
After joining the Future 20 social enterprise incubator last May, we’ve had lots of support on growing Disability Horizons into a World Changer of its own.
We already know what barriers disabled people face, and what Disability Horizons can do to address the issues. Our difficulty has been funding.
With our mentors, advisors and coaches we have an awesome plan. Our partnerships manager Chris Cusack and I realised that we need to collaborate with businesses. We need to help them understand the social issue of exclusion and therefore make a change for the better.
By giving brands the business case, necessary information, and innovative services, we can all make a real impact for inclusion. A win-win outcome.
Going into 2020 we know exactly how to help businesses embrace inclusion branding. It’s up to each individual chief marketing officer, diversity and inclusion manager, and company to decide what is right for them.
One thing is for sure – you will see more organisations genuinely caring about crucial topics that matter to us, disabled people.
There’ll be more work on making their products and services accessible to all. There’ll be more work on inclusive marketing strategies (with non-business partners as well). There’ll be more paid work for our network of disabled influencers too.
If you’re interested in supporting our work on Disability Horizons, or you’re a World Changer looking for your tribe, or a business wanting to support the inclusion cause, please contact me through my website or social channels.
If you would like to volunteer to support Disability Horizons and our initiatives, as well as gain more skills in writing, marketing and social media in the process, email
Here’s to a big year of action, partnerships and most of all impact!
By Martyn Sibley
Find out more about Martyn Sibley and his World Changers by visiting his blog,