“Change for 2015” eCampaign
Tell us in a one minute video a change you want to see happen in 2015!!!
All too often, disabled people are excluded because of physical, attitudinal and procedural barriers. Disability Horizons is tired of this unnecessary discrimination and is ready to act.
With your help, we are going to tell the world about these daily injustices and demand change. We want disabled people to be heard by government, media, businesses and general society. Change must begin. It begins now, with you.
“But how?”, you may ask. Well, the answer is… “By submitting a short video to our ‘change for 2015’ eCampaign”. We want disabled people to choose one thing they want to be changed in 2015. If you’re in, here’s how you can submit your video…
Submission Instructions:
– choose the one thing you want to see changed next year. Think about how the problem affects your life. Imagine how your life would be improved if that problem was solved
– practice explaining this in the mirror (or wherever is comfortable) until it takes under one minute (NOTE: videos over one minutes will not be accepted)
– grab your phone, webcam or normal camera and (with help if necessary) record your submission
– once you’re happy with it, upload it to your youtube/vimeo account (or use VidMe should it be your first time – no account necessary)
– email editor@disabilityhorizons.com with the following information; a profile photo, your name, age, location, and most importantly the videos embed code. Please write “”Change for 2015″ eCampaign” as the email subject.
– videos should land on our email inbox before the 20th of December 2014
– once the campaign is launched around Christmas, do what you’ve got to do for sharing it far and wide
This eCampaign will showcase these amazing videos, encourage everyone to share their 2015 wishes, and springboard us from a darker corner… to the eyes and ears of the nation.
We believe that society is blissfully unaware of the reality disabled people face. Together we can remove that excuse and progress towards equality for all.
By Martyn Sibley
Check out…
• Q&A with Ashley Thomson: one-handed hairdresser
• Accessible airports? More like aggravating airports
• Access All Areas: accessible activities in the New Forest
Get in touch by messaging us on Facebook, tweeting us @DHorizons, emailing us at editor@disabilityhorizons.com or leaving your comments below.