Six Month Academy: mentoring scheme for young people with SMA
We’ve teamed up with SMA Support UK to create the Six Month Academy, our new mentoring scheme for young people with SMA.
Here at Disability Horizons, we’re pleased to announce an exciting new mentoring and work experience scheme, the Six Month Academy, which we are launching in partnership with the good people at SMA Support UK. Open to all young people with SMA between the ages of 15 and 24, this mentoring scheme will see one lucky mentee hand-picked to work with Disability Horizons founders Martyn Sibley and Srin Madipalli.
Over a period of six months, you’ll gain valuable work experience and be personally mentored by Martyn and Srin, earning yourself a (hopefully!) glowing reference and some great business experience along the way. The mentee will work for Disability Horizons for up to 15 hours a week, as well as having two face-to-face meetings with Martyn and Srin and four Skype mentoring sessions. If you don’t think you can quite commit to 15 hours a week, do still apply, as we can be flexible about the working hours depending on your specific needs, and you’ll be able to carry out most of the work from the comfort of your own home. We are looking for someone with drive and ambition though, and someone who is keen to make the most of this excellent opportunity and launch themselves into the world of work.
We’re currently looking to start the scheme in October, so if you think you’re the perfect candidate for us, then get in touch by 5pm on Thursday 17th September with a 250-500 word statement, telling us:
1) your future dreams/ambitions and;
2) why you want to be mentored and what you hope to get out of working at Disability Horizons.
If you don’t have SMA, don’t despair, if all goes well we’re hoping to expand the scheme in the future to include all disabled people, so make sure you watch this space!
Please send your applications to Martyn Sibley at martyn@martynsibley.com by 5pm on Thursday, 17th September 2015. Good luck!
By Disability Horizons
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