I for Inclusion: JOIN US to make inclusion happen
Disability Horizons has tried to remain a positive, entertaining and energising force for good since it launched. And we’ve built up an awesome community of disabled people in the process.
We all agree that disabled people should be able to live their lives just the way they want, and one day, they WILL be able to. Find out how you can pledge your support to make this happen as Martyn Sibley launches our I for Inclusion campaign.
I’ve been fighting hard to keep positive lately. To me, the world has seemed a lot scarier recently. Much more divisive and hateful. In the social justice world, there have been horrifying accounts. In the disability world, there have been government cuts and hate crime. People are losing care funding, Motability cars and their independence.
Luckily, I’ve also noticed the positive things in life, which basically happened when I stopped watching the news. The media today is full of extreme negativity, and skewed to never include positivity.
Since I started looking around me, observing people in my town, hanging out with family and friends, engaging with amazing people and projects online, all without the dreaded fear in my head, I’ve been feeling more optimistic again.
Online there are so many great communities. I’m involved in groups about inclusion, writing, social justice, podcasting, health, football and more. Every day I can read, listen, watch, contribute, and create on all types of things. All positive things too!
It turns out there’s loads of positivity still – you just have to tune in for it.
In my work, I’ve realised that I’m all about inclusion. The word disability is a very negative word. Like ‘no-ability’. I’ve also realised that we can fight the negativity. I believe that if you take small actions, others will join, and it explodes into social change. I know we can improve the world, together.
Cheesy, but true.
We want change
Despite the huge successes and impact Disability Horizons and Disability United has created, we want to do more. So we’re taking my blog and our websites to the stars. We’re going to fight for your rights, and celebrate inclusion. In a passionate community comes real change – and you are invited to the party.
That’s why we’ve launched ‘I for Inclusion’...
I for Inclusion
‘I for Inclusion’ believes in one simple premise – every person has a passion and purpose in life. It is the responsibility of a modern society to include everybody. We should all participate and contribute in our communities, with no exceptions.
For businesses, the widely known concept of the ‘purple pound’ has helped promote this solution. Apparently, the spending power of disabled households is £249bn! Therefore accessible products and services, coupled with disabled employees, is very attractive for corporations to benefit from.
Not to ignore the political power of 13m disabled voters. Giving strong economic and political reasons for inclusion.
Let’s not forget either how disability could touch anyone at any time. So it makes sense to back inclusion, if only for selfish reasons.
Why we need your support
Disability Horizons and United receive no core funding. Each has technological, labour, and other costs. I cover the financial overheads from my consulting revenues. We’re very fortunate to have dedicated volunteers too.
From starting with nothing, growing our impact hugely, and arriving in a position of massive influence – it’s time to go to the next level!
There’s a lot at stake for disabled people at the moment. Through our hubs of knowledge, our social media influence, our support networks, and our strategic partnerships – we now need you, our Inclusion Patrons, to support our plans.
Please take a look at our new campaign ‘I for Inclusion’ here. My video and writing will explain it all. Any support you can give will make all the difference to disabled people and their families. Fact.
By Martyn Sibley
Get in touch by messaging us on Facebook, tweeting us @DHorizons, emailing us at editor@disabilityhorizons.com or leaving your comments below.