VIDEO interview: accessible property developer Matthew Newbury
Following on from our launch of the DHorizons Tribe, in our new series, we’ll be interviewing experts, celebrities, and influencers to bring you video interviews, personal insights and more.
This week, disabled entrepreneur and accessible property developer Matthew Newbury talks about how he went from becoming disabled in later life, to using his disability to create opportunities for himself and others. Plus, find out how you can see his exclusive video with Matt’s accessible property tips.
There are a lot of challenges we face as disabled people. Too many, you might say. One of the most problematic yet fundamental challenges is finding somewhere to live.
Putting financial barriers aside – high unemployment levels among disabled people and benefits that seem increasingly hard to obtain – it’s crazy that most houses are just not designed with us in mind. Steep steps, narrow doorways, pokey bathrooms… the list goes on. And that’s just what wheelchair users need – there are plenty of others who need simple adaptions, too. Yet many of us left out in the cold.
Who’d have thought that finding an accessible property would be so difficult in 2018? We’ve created a guide to accessible housing to help support disabled people. However, there’s a lot more to do.
Matthew Newbury – creating accessible housing
Matt is a property developer who specialises in making properties accessible. He was the first person in Britain to be fitted with a bionic leg after an accident at the age of 15. In 2012 he appeared on the Channel 4 show The Secret Millionaire to help a fellow disabled lad with his housing difficulties – check out the interview we did with Matthew at the time.
Fast forward to now and Matthew is still using his business skills for social good. Based in Norwich, he agreed to come and visit me in my home in Cambridgeshire to find out what he’s been up to since, and more about his story.
Our video interview touches upon Matthew’s accident, investing his compensation payout to great success, property development and accessible housing, how he ended up on Channel 4 and much more.
The big takeaway I had from our meeting was the notion of opportunity from adversity. Matthew’s accident resulted in him losing a leg. Not a nice thing to happen. But from that adversity, he found opportunity. Not just opportunity to create wealth, but opportunity to help others. I really admire that.
We also recorded a bonus video just for our community. You may already be aware of our DHorizons Tribe Facebook Group and our exclusive guest master classes. Well, following on from the amazing Sean Stephenson piece on rocking your confidence and self-esteem, we’ll be showing Matthew’s top five tips about finding accessible housing. Plus, after the screening of his tips, you’ll be able to ask questions, as well as share thoughts and gain support from other tribe members.
So make sure you’re already subscribed to our email newsletter. We’ll send further information on Wednesday to your inbox about the screening. Otherwise, just sign up using the below box, which means you’ll also receive our free Ultimate Disability Survival Guide.
UPDATE: For those who missed the master class on the DHorizons Tribe, here are Matt Newbury’s top 5 tips:
By Martyn Sibley
Get in touch by messaging us on Facebook, tweeting us @DHorizons, emailing us at editor@disabilityhorizons.com or leaving your comments below.
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