Be The Difference campaign: helping you to find work
Able Magazine recently launched its employment initiative, Be The Difference, with the aim of helping more disabled people find employment. We’ve teamed up with Able Magazine to encourage more employers to be inclusive and help pair disabled people with the right employers. Find out more about this initiative and how it can help you to find work.
Many disabled people remain frustrated and disenfranchised at the seeming lack of opportunity for them in the workplace. Be The Difference is an attempt to make a real change, working towards closing the employment gap for disabled people.
According to the Office for National Statistics figures, 81% of able-bodied people are employed. In stark contrast, just 38% of disabled people aged 16 to 24 are employed, and for those aged 25 to 49, it’s 56%. This huge disparity has hardly improved in a decade, despite plenty of promises and initiatives.
Be The Difference
We want employers to ‘be the difference’ – to stand out from the crowd as an employer that’s passionate about including valuable disabled employees.
Having launched in July, we’ve been signing up inclusive employment partners and publicising their vision for accessible employment through our print magazine and online and social media platforms.
Our main aim is to match disabled people with suitable, inclusive employers.
We’ve achieved a lot already – 15 partners have signed up – but there is much more to be done. We’re continuing to reach out to more like-minded employers to join Be the Difference. This gives them the opportunity to post jobs, find great candidates and share case studies of success stories.
We’re so pleased to be raising awareness of employers specifically looking to employ disabled people.
How we can help you get into work if you’re disabled
Not only are we making noise about inclusive employment, we’re also actively helping disabled people find work too.
Anyone who gets in touch with us will be signposted towards the most appropriate support organisations and employers. We will make it easier for you to not only find the support you need, but also to make direct contact with the people who are striving to make their businesses or organisations more inclusive.
We’ve also created the ideal forum to discuss disability-specific recruitment opportunities. And we are encouraging businesses to be proactive in tackling what amounts to a recruitment crisis among disabled people by engaging with them.
We’ve always been positive about disability and focused on what disabled people can do, not what they can’t. Be The Difference is an opportunity for us to make real change and is a challenge to other businesses and organisations to do likewise.
We want you!
If you’re looking for work, you can register to receive job alerts, employment news and information on our employers and partners. Simply add your details to our website on our Be The Difference page. Alternatively, if you need some help or advice, you can email btd@primasmedia.co.uk or call 0141 285 4000.
Primas Media, publisher of Able Magazine, is also interested in hearing from disabled people that want to work in print media. It has a track record of employing and developing disabled talent. You can find our current job vacancies on the Able Magazine jobs page, and scroll down below to see case studies from two of its employees.
Any company or organisation looking to become a Be The Difference-registered employer should contact steve@primasmedia.co.uk or call 0141 285 4000.
Tom Jamersion, Editor
“I celebrated 10 years with Primas Media earlier this year and I’ve been the editor of Able Magazine for six years.
I had only just received my diagnosis of cystic fibrosis when I joined the company but wasn’t really having to deal with any severe symptoms. Since then, however, my condition has developed.
But I’m fortunate that, of course, my employers understand disability and we’ve been able to work together to make sure that I’m able to get the recuperation I need in order to give my best to a job I’m really proud to do.
The company really does have a flexible approach when it comes to disability. In fact, all of my colleagues are given the opportunity to fulfil their roles properly, giving them any further support they require to carry out their duties to the best of their abilities.”
Terry Gillian, Production Manager
“I think I’m Primas Media’s longest-serving employee. I’ve been with the company for 18 years. I’m a full-time wheelchair user. But, of course, this doesn’t stop me carrying out my duties, which include organising the position of advertising within our portfolio of publications and making the necessary arrangements with clients to receive their artwork on time.
Primas Media have helped me to develop a range of skills and have always ensured that access and facilities at its premises are perfectly accessible. Add to this that it has a flexible approach when it comes to medical appointments and other matters pertaining to my disability. In fact, I also care for my mum too and they’ve really supported me with this as well.”
Inclusive employers and partners already signed up
As well as contacting us, you could go straight to one of the employers who have already signed up and are committed to employing talented disabled people.
Through its online matchmaking service – the first of its kind in the UK, ASTRiiD aims to connect the millions of people with chronic, often incurable and advanced health conditions with businesses seeking skilled volunteers or staff.
Barratt Developments is building an organisation and culture where anyone, regardless of their gender, race, class, sexuality, disability or any other characteristic, can progress and be proud to work for Barratt.
Equal Engineers is making the engineering and technology sector more diverse and inclusive, a sector that lacks employees in under-represented groups. Equal Engineers provides a solution through training, recruitment, media and events.
An award-winning social enterprise run by and for disabled people. Disabled job seekers can find jobs with inclusive employers on its specialist job board.
Exceptional Individuals is the first employment partnership specifically for dyslexic people. It aims to change attitudes among employers about dyslexia.
Genius Within
Genius Within uses innovative design, research and campaigning alongside direct client work to develop talent and achieve success for people with hidden disabilities, including ADHD, autism, dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, mental health issues and conditions, such as MS.
Mencap’s vision is a future where people with a learning disability receive the right support to access and stay in employment. It wants to help employers understand that people with learning disabilities make good workers when supported properly.
The Bristol-based bakery work with young people with learning disabilities, helping to develop their skills and confidence so they can eventually find employment in mainstream catering.
We recently interviewed Step and Stone founders about the bakery and its trainee programme.
A social enterprise with a vision that people with learning disabilities should be valued in the workplace, reaching their full potential and feeling included.
The Ability People (TAP)
TAP is a recruitment agency focused on delivering bespoke, tailored solutions that work for both professionals and businesses. Its unique internal staffing model leverages the talents and life experience of disabled people.
The Employment Related Services Association (ERSA)
ERSA is the membership body for the employment support sector. It campaigns for and supports the delivery of better services for the nation’s job seekers and learners.
The Samee Project was set up to help people make informed decisions about their lives. It offers an employment centre, advice and support, as well as training and skills development for people who want to be entrepreneurs.
Vercida stands for values, equality, respect, culture, inclusion, diversity, accessibility. It’s built a careers site that only works with employers committed to these attributes. It will connect you to organisations placing high importance on a mixed population and staff wellbeing.
Disability Horizons
Disability Horizons exists to help disabled people live exactly as they choose to. That’s why it’s also joined our Be The Difference campaign. It will continue to encourage the companies it works with to be as inclusive as possible and actually represent the people they serve. Together, we can all make a difference.
By Able Magazine
Tell us about your experiences with finding employment. Have you found it difficult? Do you now have your dream job? Leave your comments below, message us on Facebook or tweet us @DHorizons.
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