Disability Smart Awards 2019 open for entries
Business Disability Forum’s Disability Smart Awards 2019 is open for entries. This year, it is delighted to announce that the awards, which are supported by Barclays, include a total of 11 awards with four completely new categories.
What are the Disability Smart Awards?
The Disability Smart Awards celebrates the work businesses achieve to help transform the lives of disabled people in the workplace and in society.
It recognises the outstanding disability smart action and initiatives taken by business and individuals working within business.
From global leaders to diversity and inclusion practitioners, innovative campaigners and change-making influencers to really great customer service providers, this is your opportunity to showcase the great work you or that your colleagues have been doing and to see how it compares with others working in the same field.
Previous winners have included:
- Lloyds Banking Group
- Sainsbury’s
- Barclays
- BT
- Shell
- Uber
Organisations or businesses considering nomination need to show their company:
- Has great leadership and commitment to disability right at the top.
- Has shown disability smart design flair.
- Is a great place to work for everyone.
- Has influenced disability-related change.
- Has developed or deploys technology that improves the lives of everyone including disabled people.
- Demonstrates outstanding customer service.
- Has created an innovative and inclusive campaign.
- Has a Global Leader making an impact locally, nationally and internationally.
- Positions disability inclusion as a Global business priority across locations around the world
- Has a person who keeps disability at the forefront of the diversity agenda every day.
The categories
This year there are 11 categories in total, with four of them new for 2019:
- Disability Smart Senior Champion Award 2019.
- Disability Smart Design Award 2019 (new).
- Disability Smart Workplace Experience Award 2019 (sponsored by Microlink).
- Disability Smart Influencer Award 2019 (new).
- Disability Smart Technology for All Award 2019 (sponsored by Microlink).
- Disability Smart Customer Service Award 2019 (new).
- Disability Smart Communications & Marketing Campaign Award 2019 (new).
- Disability Smart Global Leader Award 2019.
- Disability Smart Multinational Organisation Award 2019.
- Disability Smart Diversity & Inclusion Practitioner Award 2019.
- Disabled Peoples’ Choice Award 2019.
How to enter the Disability Smart Awards
Before entering, be sure to read the annual Disability Smart awards FAQs.
To enter, visit the Smart Awards Categories page and download the appropriate application form for your entry.
Please send your submissions plus relevant supporting material to dsawards@businessdisabilityforum.org.uk
If the file size of your entry and supporting evidence is too large to email, you can also submit evidence using the BDF dropbox account.
Please ensure your application form answers all the questions within the criteria. Organisations can enter up to four categories each year. Organisations should not submit more than one entry for any category.
Closing date: 6 September 2019
Winners will be announced at the Disability Smart Awards Ceremony 23 October 2019 – venue to be confirmed.
By Emma Purcell
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