Travel & Holidays
Horizons’ editors hit the Big Apple
Hey guys, we are sorry to have been so quiet of late on the content front. It has been a crazy few weeks for Srin and I. Here is a little video I did on my blog to echo this sentiment.
However, we now proudly present the final cut of ‘3 wheelies and 1 New York’. Furthermore, you lucky lucky readers will have not 1, but 2 articles from Horizons’ editors on the trip, what we did, how we did it and some comparisons with London. For now, please enjoy the footage.
Hi, thanks for sharing your trip to NYNY, it looked like you had a great time. I howled with laughter at your rides up the escalator, frightening but fun too. That was great initiative from the Subway staff. Which lines did you travel on? You said it was better than London and I’m wondering what sort of step and gap there was between the platform and train?
Hi John, we didnt laugh so hard during the escalator escapade but we did afterwards 🙂
On the metro we took most lines but had to plot which stations. when accessible there was a lift down and minimal step/gap to the trains. sometime a wheely was needed. generally the maps show each station with a disabled symbol and which lines at that station are ok.
Best wishes, Martyn and Srin