10 things a disabled person needs to know about their mother
A mother’s love is strong and unbreakable. She’s usually your biggest fan. But as a disabled person, do you worry about the effect your disability has had on your mother? Ahead of Mother’s Day, mother Tasneem Tarek, whose son Ali has Down’s syndrome, reminds us of the things disabled people should know about their mother’s love for them.
1. She was scared when she first found out about your disability
She felt lost and worried. But not because of your disability, but instead she was scared of making a mistake or failing to do her job perfectly. Perfection has been her aim – always wanting to do the absolute best for you, no matter what you’ve faced.
2. She was the first one to believe in you
She was the first person to love you and believes in every breath you take. You allow her to look at the world from a different angle – one that she hadn’t planned for.
3. She has super strength
She becomes the strongest woman for you and is ready to back you up in front of the whole world, despite all that she faces.
4. She accepts you
She introduces you to the whole world proudly, accepting the fact that you are different. No matter what, she will gain courage from your eyes, forcing everyone around to respect you.
5. She is proud of you!
Proud of every step you take, every milestone you achieve, so don’t pity her – she doesn’t need it.
6. You inspire and surprise her
You make her eager to see the new things you will do. She can’t wait to live a new experience with you, often different from everyone else, but even more special because of it.
7. Persistence, patience and guilt are three companions to her
Through all the knockbacks you face, she insists on proving to the whole world that it is in the wrong – not you, no matter how long this takes. She will never stop doing it.
She also holds a sense of guilt if she is not there for you when you need her.
8. She knows you’re a wonderful person
Your cuteness is not just the way to everyone’s heart – it’s your cleverness too. You matter and the world needs you, just like it needs everyone else, and she’s determined to prove it.
9. She will stop anyone from asking “Is he/she normal?”
… Oh yes! He/she is normal! But he/she is not ‘typical’.
If anyone asks this, she reminds you that if the world was full of ‘normal’ people, your difference adds purity to your heart, a difference that’s not in the hearts of many other people.
10. She reminds you that life is not a race, so do it your own pace
And no matter what, she will be there watching and recording every step of the way…. Loving you unconditionally.
By Tasneem Tarek
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Since losing my motability car due to a false assessment by the DWP I have not only suffered hardship and injury attempting to buy basics from my local shop and have been unable to socialise but the worse part is being unable to visit my mother. I’m terrified that she might die soon as she is in her late 80s and has health issues. I feel guilty and a failure as a son for not being able to help or just to be with her. The fact that I cannot walk to a bus stop does not matter to the evil staff at the DWP. I truly hate them for what they have done to me. They even laugh at me on the phone when I try to complain about the traps they have set in order to steal my pension and take my home as well as denying me my rightfui entitlement, but if I could chose one thing to be made possible it would be to visit my mother.
Brilliant will send to my wonder mum.