5 tips for travelling with a disability
Everyone should get the opportunity to travel, regardless of their age, current responsibilities or disability. If you have a disability, the idea of travelling the world can feel a little daunting, especially into countries where laws and regulations on things like accessibility vary from your own. Here, Glendale Lawyers, gives five tips to help anyone with a disability travel.
The simple fact is that regardless of your disability, whether it was something you’ve had all your life or it was the result of an accident, getting out and exploring the world is perfectly achievable.
You’ll find that increasingly more airlines, hotel chains and tourism operators are creating holiday packages and experiences with disabilities, accessibility and inclusion in mind. Read on for our five tips for travelling with a disability.
1. Start with your travel insurance
It’s dull and no one enjoys sorting out their insurance cover. But travel insurance is important for anyone who is planning a trip abroad, disability or not. Ensure that you find a policy that covers all your pre-existing medical conditions.
It’s worth speaking to your doctor or specialist about your travel plans as they should be able to suggest any other steps you should take in order to stay safe and well whilst you’re abroad.
Completing this first step will give you peace of mind and allow you to relax fully on your adventures.
2. Always get clarification of accessibilty
You may have found a stunning hotel suite online that ypu think meets all your requirements. But, before you get carried away and book, it’s always a good idea to get clarification.
Call the hotel and double-check the room is exactly how it is advertised. Only when you’re satisfied should you go ahead.
Apply the same rule to things like disability-friendly tours or accessible attractions. Get in touch with the company involved and make sure you’ll be able to have just as much fun as everyone else and you won’t be disappointed when you get there.
3. Communication about your disability is key
Of course, it’s natural not to want to make a fuss or convince yourself that you’re being a nuisance and instead simply struggle through. But if you want to really enjoy your travels and be at ease, then communication is key.
Let everyone, from your flight crew to the hotel staff, taxi drivers and of course your travel agent, know that you have additional requirements and you might need a little more help than your fellow travellers. If you’re open and polite, they’re likely to be to happy to help!
4. Be prepared
No one want’s to assume the worst. However, when you’re travelling with any medical condition it’s important to plan ahead.
It’s imperative that you keep the relevant information on you, so you can receive the right care if you need it.
Details of your disability, any medications you are currently taking, your doctors details, your next of kin, insurance details and anything you are allergic to.
5. Stay curious and don’t assume
Just because certain parts of an attraction may not have access, it’s always worth speaking to staff members prior to your visit to see if there is any other way they can accommodate you or make your visit worthwhile.
You just never know what they might be able to do, and if you don’t ask, you don’t get!
By Glendale Lawyers
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