Welcome to Disability Horizons!
Welcome to Disability Horizons!
We are the duo of Srin and Martyn and as co-editors we would like to introduce and welcome you to our new online magazine, Disability Horizons! In this first article of our first edition we wanted to share our reasons for starting Disability Horizons and what we aim to achieve and what is in store for this first edition.
We both have been disabled since birth due to a disability called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. However, we have never allowed disability to be a barrier to what we wanted to achieve in life, whether that be going to university, working full time, having a rich and varied social life or travelling across the world. We hope that Disability Horizons will help others with disability achieve the same.
Disability Horizons aims to promote a positive and inclusive image of disability to the wider world to challenge negative stereotypes, misconceptions and injustice; and ultimately help individuals with disabilities to make the most of their lives and be treated the same as any person in society. We want to do this by sharing a variety of articles through this site that covers variety of topics ranging from the political to the practical, and articles about everyday individuals and challenges they face to those whose decisions have an effect the lives of many disabled people in the UK and beyond. In addition to the topical and serious, we will also be sharing articles from our contributors on the lighter side of life, which we hope you will find entertaining as well as informative.
Disability is unique to every person, and to reflect that we need a diversity and plurality of opinion. Therefore, we invite our readers to contribute articles on any issue that they think promotes the aims of Disability Horizons.
In this first edition, we have a number of guest contributors from across the world on a spectrum of topics.
Finally, we every so often will do something a little adventurous and a little crazy, which we will write about!
Srin and Martyn
Congrats guys! Great job!
An incredible website. All the very best wishes to you both! 🙂
I feel so much happier now I uendtrsand all this. Thanks!
Hi Srinu!!!!!!
Congrats to both of you on starting this website! It looks very informative and useful to many people like us. All the very best!
Hi my name is Kevin my daughter has sma type1…. I jus want to say its great that two ppl like yaselfs have done such an amazing thing. Good luck with ya site. Ill keep reading ya new letters
Hey dude! This is awesome. Getting an article ready for ya!