Boxing Day: 10 things to do if you’re bored
Christmas can be a lot of fun. Then you get to Boxing Day and all the excitement is over. It’s easy to feel a bit deflated or even bored. Or perhaps you need a break from friends and family and all the ‘go go go’ of the festive period. So here’s a list of 10 things to do on Boxing Day if you just want to escape or be entertained.
1. Use Christmas decorations to pimp your wheelchair or mobility aid. I’m thinking tinsel wrapped around the handle bars, baubles dangling from the arm rests, or glitter covering a walking stick. The crazier the better, but as a tip from someone whose been there – if you’re home alone and have to call for help because you’ve got something ridiculous caught in your wheelchair and can’t move, you’ll have to wait for your rescuer to arrive and then stop laughing first.
2. Got a skill you’d like to show off or a tip for living with a disability you think everyone should know? Write an article about it (Disability Horizons are always looking for new topics!) or, even better, make a video showing it off and put it on YouTube. You never know, you could be the next Justin Bieber (although you might not want to be!).
3. If you’re at home, don’t bother to get dressed. Boxing Day was made for vegging out. And the perfect occasion to make the most of those new PJs/slippers/onesie you got for Christmas.
4. Plan a trip to somewhere new. It could be a holiday to an exotic country – check out the Disability Horizons travel section to see what countries other disabled people recommend. Or maybe just a great day trip or long weekend – use a website like DisabledGo.com to double check access information. And a top tip: if travelling is difficult use Google Earth and the various webcams online to do some exploring via the internet.
5. Take a nap. Or have a lie in. Perhaps even both! Whichever you choose, I think Boxing Day is the perfect day for taking some time out and recharging. It’s easy to get rundown at this time of year, particularly if you have fatigue issues and try and push past them during this time of year.
6. Who doesn’t love ‘wasting’ a little time online browsing funny videos or reading amusing articles? So why not take this opportunity to delve into social sites such as Twitter and YouTube. Surely Boxing Day is the perfect time to start following more people on Twitter (check out this article on how to find interesting people to follow on Twitter) googling your favourite kids TV show or finding something random to watch on YouTube.
7. Listen to an audiobook. There are many available free online, or sites like Audibleoften give you a freebie if you sign up – just don’t forget to cancel your membership, otherwise you’ll incur a monthly fee. I love lying in a dark room watching Christmas lights and listening to someone tell a story. With audiobooks it can even be a famous celeb.
Or, if you prefer TV, why not watch something really cheesy that you’d normally skip and have a good laugh. It’s a great mood booster and a useful tension buster for those times when Christmas gets too much. Maybe now is the time to sign up to Netflix or Amazon Prime? Either way, check out this Money Saving Expert guide to streaming TV online first.
8. Research a new hobby or sport to try next year. I’ve wanted to try drop spinning (where you make your own yarn) for years but I’ve only ever seen it done by people standing up, so assumed that as a wheelchair user it was impossible. But after spending some time poking around on the internet, I’ve come across videos on YouTube of people doing it sitting down and put the equipment on my Christmas list. Hopefully as you read this I’ll be giving it a go (and probably making my parents dog bark in the process). Or there’s always sport. Disability Horizons’ guide to disability sport in the UK has got lots of links to local and national disability sport websites.
9. Visit the sales. Online is best for avoiding the crowds or, if like me you really fancy hitting the shops, why not choose click and collect for those must haves on Boxing Day and go pick them up later when it’s a calmer? Whether you shop in the real world or online, it’s worth checking out some discount sites such as Quidco and Voucher Codes to see what savings you can make.
10. Realised you’ve sent someone a Christmas card and that’s the first time you’ve communicated with them since last year? Take a few moments to give them a call, send an email, message them on Facebook, or even plan to Skype or use Face Time. Or how about designing them a free card online – there are lots of sites you can do this on, such as My Fun Cards.
By Emma Crees
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- Accessible Christmas gifts
- Disability and Christmas parties: bring on the many misadventures
- Disability sex and relationships: your questions answered
What are you doing this Boxing Day? Get in touch by messaging us on Facebook, tweeting us @DHorizons, emailing us at editor@disabilityhorizons.com or leaving your comments below.