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London 2012 and accessible accommodation
On Monday, I presented a feature on BBC1 London’s topical magazine show Inside Out on the difficulties that disabled people travelling to London next year for the the Olympics and Paralympics may face in finding accessible accommodation.
If you live in the UK, you can see the broadcast by clicking here.
As you’ll see from the broadcast our findings demonstrated that there may be a lack of affordable hotels that have suitable accessibility and that rather worryingly, those at a political level do not seem too concerned!
Please send us any views or thoughts you may have on the broadcast or on issues of hotel accessibility.
By Martyn Sibley
For people watching the broadcast, the relevant section starts at 10:20 (about a third of the way through.
I wish I could say I’m surprised by the findings.
My favourite part had to be at about the 18min mark when Martyn points out that 88% (ie, the massive, massive majority) of the hotels on the inclusive London website haven’t been checked, and their small sample spot check showed some 70-odd percent (so another massive, massive majority) of those were in fact inaccessible… and the GLA chap responds with “well, nothing’s perfect.”