Download Festival: do accessibility and heavy metal mix?
The sun is finally starting to shine! Is summer on its way? It’s time, therefore, to start thinking about festivals. So we thought we’d speak to Mark Carew. He’s a 23-year-old Psychology PhD student from Canterbury, who last year went to Download Festival, and here tells us about his experience of the disabled viewing platform.
Navigating through the mud, moshing with heavy metal fans and the craziness of a festival is hard enough without bringing along a little thing like cerebral palsy as well. That’s why accessibility is of paramount importance to disabled music lovers like me who attend these events. However, my experience of a disabled viewing platform at Download Festival 2012 caused me to question whether accessibility is the only thing needed.
We arrived early in the morning and most of my friends made a beeline for the most popular bands. However, being more of a curious sort, I wandered around and saw some of the smaller acts with a similarly minded partner in crime.
We decided to go to the main viewing platform in mid-afternoon so I could rest, but I found that my friend was denied entry as she did not have the right sort of ticket. It turned out that she needed a carer/PA ticket, even though this is strictly inaccurate given that her level of care stretches to buying me the occasional cup of coffee! The steward suggested she could stand on the other side of the railing and talk to me through it, the thought of which made us both feel very uncomfortable.
While disabled people do sometimes need extra care, this can often be provided by a friend or family member. I was really surprised that the platform didn’t operate under a simple +1 policy to reflect this.
Nevertheless, I found myself sitting next to the railing in prime position to talk with my friend on the other side and receive a pint through the bars each time she made a trip into the thronging masses.
Each time she was away, I wondered about the festival experience people were having on the platform and how closely it matched that of the able-bodied revellers below us. Sure, I could see the bands (even though the platform was situated quite far back from the stage) but were we enjoying the same atmosphere as others?
Looking around at others on the platform, I saw a young man slip a hand into his pocket and pull out a can of cider, thus adhering to the age old festival motto of: “if it’s banned make sure you bring it along.” However, after a couple of swigs, a steward noticed this and removed his can. Yet, drinking personal supplies of alcohol (and worse!) was going on unregulated in the arena.
Moreover, the atmosphere was strangely subdued compared to the crowds below; except for a few pockets of headbanging resistance. Initially, I couldn’t fathom why. There I was surrounded by grizzled metal fans with viper tattoos and crazy biker thread. These guys evidently knew how to have a good time. Yet, there seemed to be an unspoken expectation that the disabled viewing platform wasn’t somewhere where people could really party.
A glance over my shoulder afforded me the sight of the V.I.P viewing platform for customers of a popular phone company. A towering behemoth compared to our area, it was surrounded by queues. People were waiting to get on not because they had the accessibility needs but out of choice.
Then it hit me. Our little viewing platform wasn’t considered a cool place to be; especially given that it was situated so far away from the main stage and in the shadow of the bigger platform just behind us.
In considering the needs of disabled visitors, I got the impression that Download Festival focused solely on accessibility. In doing so, they had forgotten the very reason why we attend these events: to have fun.
I think that’s why our steward hadn’t wondered if his advice to us might not be offensive. His primary concern was that I was looked after by a carer, not that I had a truly memorable time with a friend.
As such, I found the festival both fun and fully accessible but certainly different for me attending as a disabled person. Apart from the unfortunate physical segregation from my friend, I also felt psychologically isolated from the festival goers below.
I am not sure whether my experience is a common one or what can be done to better balance the dual needs of accessibility and enjoyment.
Perhaps, in addition to accessibility, organisers could consider ways to best replicate the festival spirit in disabled-only areas. Of course, the onus is also on disabled attendees to take advantage of the festival atmosphere and really let our hair down!
By Mark Carew
Check out…
• Reading Festival: how accessible is it?
• Gilbey Films: showcasing disabled access.
• Wing walking with Duchenne: realising a dream.
Let us know about your experiences at festivals by emailing us at editor@disabilityhorizons.com, tweeting us at @DHorizons or messaging us on Facebook.
Hello, my name is Jacob Adams. I am the Festival Manager at Attitude is Everything, an organisation that works with music venues and festivals around the UK to improve both accessibility and the overall experience of disabled customers, staff and artists in the field of live music. I’d welcome anyone including the author of this piece getting in contact with me about their experiences. We also recruit mystery shoppers for gigs and festivals, as well as Deaf and disabled volunteers to work at a range of festivals. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch! My email is jacob followed by the ‘at’ symbol, followed by attitudeiseverything.org.uk
I’m from Poland and been on few gigs with platforms. My first one RHCP and then it was a surprise that there’s a platform for disabled, but it was really cool. I was sitting at front and had awesome view. Loads of people were both in front of us and behind us, so we were surrounded by people, which made me feel both in the center and above. Next gigs included two Sonisphere Festivals (first time platform was in better place than second time) and Radiohead. Overall – I enjoy platform, cause it’s above the crowd. And we never had issues with assisting person getting on platform. Of course, there’s an issue with people under influence (various types) trying to climb the platform, but security works rather fine about that. My only complaint would be inaccessible toilet, which usually is simply too small to accommodate wheelchair and two assistants. Not all people going to gigs is strong enough to use toilet by themselves. I regret that this year I probably won’t be able to attend any gigs, as I have other plans, but I definitely recommend metal festivals 🙂
The Download forum: http://forums.downloadfestival.co.uk/ seem like a friendly place and I’m pretty sure the organisers monitor them quite closely for problems/suggestions
The festival director is on Twitter https://twitter.com/Maverick_AC and seems quite engaged about the festival. It might be worth tweeting him.
Hey Mark, great piece. Although I question why you didn’t get your friend a ‘carer’ ticket, in my experience their only cost is a little piece of dignity. Cue this phonecall of mine to book tickets to see Neil Young and Crazy Horse at the O2.
O2: Right that’s £48 please sir
Me: No sorry, I asked for two of the £55 seat tickets.
O2: Yes, £48 for a disabled ticket and your carer gets in free.
Me: BUT HE’S NOT MY….oh hang on, free ticket?? Yes, he’s my carer!
And as for viewing platforms, it may vary festival to festival but the one’s I’ve been on have been at a perfect height and right next to the sound desk/tower. So, I argue with you in that I feel exchanging a bit of dignity for top sound and view is as rock’n’roll as you can get!
Perhaps I just need more dignity!