General election 2015: what will UKIP do for disabled people?
There’s no getting away from it, the general election 2015 is coming, and all the political parties are working hard to win your vote on the 7th May. But what we at Disability Horizons want to know is what are the parties going to do for disabled people if they win and why should we vote for them? Writer Raya AlJadir put these questions to her local MP candidate for each of the political parties – here, find out why UKIP think you should vote for them.
(NOTE: This is not an endorsement for UKIP or anybody else; and we at Disability Horizons are in the process of finding out policies from all major parties to help you make your own mind up.)
What is your party’s disability policy? Is there a specific section outlining it in your manifesto?
Yes, UKIP is fully committed to protecting the rights of disabled people, as set out in Atricle 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Recent research shows disabled people feel marginalised from political decisions, in your view why should they vote
This is the most important vote you will ever cast, this is the last time we as a proud British nation can or will be able to free ourselves from the European Union. We have already given up the name Great Britain in 2009 and we want it back to rule ourselves again and return FULL Sovereignty to Her Majesty the Queen.
If elected to be MP, how would you improve the life chances of young disabled people?
To start with, we would improve the financial allowance given to carers from £62.10 to £73.20. We would also work with disability organisations to find out what disabled people need and when it’s needed.
Over the past few years, disabled people have been faced with many cuts: changes to the Disablity Living Allowance, social care and the Disabled Student Allowance, to name a few. What is your view about these changes and is you party looking to alter any of these?
UKIP has a fully costed manifesto and it has room for manouver, which will allow some help.
During the last 5 years, the Access to Work budget has been slashed. Do you agree with this change? How will you support disabled people who are getting into employment or are currently in employment?
UKIP will protect the benefits of disabled people both in and out of work.
Would your party commission independent research on the number of people using food banks and in particular the number of disabled people who are in food poverty?
We have done local research and are fully aware that in some cases anyone can access the food bank just by turning up. I sent one of my staff, who is Greek, and he went to some food banks and at each one he was told that he did not need a card for access and the fact that he turned up was sufficient.
UKIP’s manifesto states that we will fund the cost of 800 advisers to work in 800 food banks, so that the poorest in our society have free and easy access to timely help in their hour of need.
The coalition government removed the duty on public bodies to conduct impact assessments on policy changes to minorities that include disabled people. What is your view on this policy?
UKIP states that this policy will be fully reviewed.
There are currently only four disabled MPs in the UK, what would your advice be to young disabled people who are interested in getting more involved in politics but don’t know where to start?
There is NO reason why disabled people should not prosper in any work place, it’s down to determination and the will to do it.
By Raya AlJadir interviewing Richard Wood, the UKIP candidate for Hammersmith.
Before you make your decision on which party to vote for, visit the UKIP website to understand how its manifesto could affect disabled people across the UK.
Your vote is important – visit About my Vote to find out more about how to access voting in your area.
Check out…
• Disability and housing: choices, choices, choices
• Employment and disability: the advantages for being disabled
• Access All Areas: visiting Northumberland
Tell us what you think about the election 2015 – get in touch by messaging us on Facebook, tweeting us @DHorizons, emailing us at editor@disabilityhorizons.com or leaving your comments below.