Snappy Summary: Equality Act 2010
In the first of our Snappy Summaries, Lianna Etkind explains the Equality Act 2010 and how to use it in less than 140 words.
The Equality Act 2010 means that any provider of goods or services – a café; a bus company; a shop; a GP surgery; an online shop; etc. – has to make ‘reasonable adjustments’. It’s common for providers to act unlawfully – for example, by failing to put in step free access, or a hearing loop, or to put information in accessible format.
If you think a provider is acting unlawfully, step one is to write to them saying exactly what happened, how they could be breaking the law, and what you would like them to do.
Usually this works – in which case, speak to your local media and publicise your victory in improving access! If it doesn’t, you can issue to court – which could be free if you qualify for Legal Aid.
The DART guide explains this process step by step.
By Lianna Etkind
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