Drake Music hosts DMLab accessible music events this summer
Drake Music is hosting DMLab accessible music events this summer in London and Manchester. This is a space for anyone who wants to dream up and/or build new accessible instruments for disabled people. Musicians, makers, technologists, sound artists are all welcome.
About Drake Music
Drake Music is the leading national organisation working in music, disability and technology. The charity believes that everyone can fulfill their creative and musical potential, given the right opportunities.
The work it does helps music, disability and technology meet to:
- Create opportunities and instruments that make music fully accessible.
- Increase participation in music-making at all levels.
- Build an integrated musical culture where disabled and non-disabled musicians work together as equals.
The skilled team has an excellent track record of developing and delivering outreach, training and education initiatives for disabled musicians of all ages and abilities.
It researches and develops new accessible musical instruments and technologies to create more ways with, by and for disabled people to make music.
The artistic development programme supports disabled musicians to progress their work and offer training and consultancy for teachers, music hubs and other organisations.
Accessible music at DMLab London
DMLab London is a meeting place for makers and disabled musicians, a space to explore musical potential and get hands-on with kit.
It is a partnership between Drake Music, Graeae and Music Hackspace to bring together disabled musicians with technologists, to imagine, hack, design and build new accessible instruments and technology.
This could be redesigning a traditional instrument, hacking recording kit to make it more accessible or creating something ground-breaking that we can’t even imagine yet. Big or small, a fully-formed idea or just a glimmer, all are welcome – the floor is yours and the doors are open.
The event will also have presentations from two women in music and technology. Cellist, Jo-Anne Cox will talk through her latest interactive show and inventor, Dani Clode will share her work on augmented artificial limbs.
DMLab London takes place on Wednesday 14 August 18.30 to 21.30 at Somerset House, London.
DMLabNorth West events
DMLab North West group is hosting three events, with a collection of friendly musicians and makers. Head to one of the events below to meet them and get involved.
- 29 July at Eagle Labs Salford – technology-focused
- 19 August at Gorse Hill Studios – music meet up
- 20 September at Eagle Labs Salford – technology-focused
Book tickets – DMLab North West
To find out more about Drake Music and how else you can get involved or give your support, visit Drake Music’s website.
By Emma Purcell
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