
5 Reasons to Register to Vote

1. You have the power.
People might try to influence you on who to vote for. They might use numbers, insults, fear, fashion, pictures of puppies and kittens, or even answer a question. But none of that matters. It’s your vote. It’s your decision. No one can take that away from you and only you can use it. Take the power.

2. People fought for it.
Rosa May Billinghurst got her adapted tricycle tipped over by police in 1910 protesting for the right to vote. Court cases were fought and won in the 1980s by disabled people living in institutions demanding their right to vote. They fought so you don’t have to.

3. It could save you money.

Registering to vote lowers your credit rating, which means you won’t have to pay as much if you need a mobile phone contract, credit card or a loan. Weird but true.

4. You’ll be in good company
According to the Office for National Statistics, 45,766,000 – that’s forty-five million, seven-hundred-and-sixty-six thousand – people are registered to vote. That’s 92% of adults.

5. You get to share our awesome Facebook and Twitter meme:

Not yet registered to vote? Hurry up! Registration closes Monday 22nd May. Register here:

Want to know more about voting? Check out this blog by Scope:

By Fleur Perry

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