Disabled dating: 5 ways to maintain intimacy in an ‘interabled relationship’
Disabled singles dating able-bodied individuals can often deal with some unique challenges in their relationships. The discrepancy between expectations and reality, as well as the lack of capacity for honest and open communication, are just some of the major problems interabled couples face. As a result, maintaining healthy levels of intimacy can also become part of the struggle.
However, this is something we can fix, especially if we are motivated enough to build a deeper and better bond with our partner. With all that in mind, disabled dating site Disabled Mate has prepared five useful tips that can help you keep the spark alive in your interabled relationship.
1. Learn how to love your body
Being intimate with someone when you have a physical disability doesn’t always come easy. Disabled people can be shy and feel vulnerable when exposing their body to someone else.
So, in order to feel confident during sex with your beloved partner, you first have to learn how to appreciate and love your body. This is not a simple thing to do, especially if you haven’t lived with your disability for a long time. But you have to do it if you want to have a successful and enjoyable sex life.
2. Show your partner that you’re not uncomfortable being naked
Your able-bodied partner might be nervous during sex simply because he or she believes that you’re not comfortable being naked in front of them. This is a common problem, but, fortunately, it’s pretty solvable.
The way to combat it is showing your lover that you’re fine with exposing your body to them. Don’t be shy when you’re in bed together and tell them how much you enjoy having sex with them. This honest communication is key to becoming more intimate with your partner.
3. Try your best to be spontaneous
Sometimes, because of your disability, sex may need to be planned or scheduled. This is not the most romantic way to have intercourse, and can, therefore, feel a bit forced.
So, if you don’t want to ruin sexual chemistry between you and your partner, try your best to be spontaneous when you get the chance. Feel free to initiate sex when they least expect it or introduce them with some interesting sex toys. Don’t hesitate to be creative, even if it’s during ‘planned’ sex.
4. Talk to your lover about what they like in bed
In many cases, an able-bodied partner does not know which positions are practical and which are not. If that’s the case, talk to them and tell them which positions you prefer and which ones hurt you.
You should also never be too shy to ask your partner what positions or things they like in bed. This conversation will provide both of you with valuable information that you’ll be able to use to have a better and more satisfying sexual experience.
5. Don’t insist on sex if they’re not in the mood
As you probably know, one of the main prerequisites for a successful sexual encounter is setting the right mood. Unfortunately, there will be days when your partner simply won’t be interested in intercourse and you’ll have to respect that, no matter how much you want them.
It will be difficult, but if you want to preserve your relationship and intimacy, you must never insist or coerce them to have sex if they don’t want it. If you’re persistent enough, you may convince them. But that kind of behaviour might ruin your chemistry. Endangering a relationship with someone you really love for a half an hour of pleasure is simply not worth it.
You should always respect your lover’s wishes and wait for them to be in the mood. Only then will you be able to enjoy sex the right way.
By Disabled Mate
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