Campaigning for better air travel for disabled people – WE NEED YOUR HELP
Flying when you have a disability can be fraught with problems. From the check-in staff not knowing how to handle your equipment to the assistance staff not having a clue how to get you on board safely. Things need to change.
That’s why we’re running a flying survey to get your views and experiences of air travel. We can then use this as ammunition to ask the airlines and airports to put things right. Co-founder Martyn Sibley, who recently experienced travel nightmares, explains all.
Why do we like to do everything ourselves? Why is asking for help so difficult? Why do we ignore the common knowledge that ‘together we’re stronger’?
You might have picked up on my recent difficulties with air travel. Despite flying hundreds of times, writing a book about my globetrotting, and always being so positive; my patience has really been tested this summer.
I’ve been nearly dropped to the floor twice, I’ve had inappropriate jokes made by staff, I’ve watched my 130kg wheelchair bounced onto the tarmac.
It’s been stressful, emotional and undignified.
I was going round in circles about how to address this. Then I realised, I’m not alone!
We’re running a survey and digital panel on Disability Horizons about this topic. I’m speaking to others already campaigning for better air travel for disabled people.
Most importantly, I’m sharing my story, in the hope we can make this better.
I don’t want to stop flying. Unfortunately, I know others who have given up already. But something needs to change. Quickly.
Particularly before more people and equipment get damaged. It is 2019. Surely this is possible!
What do you think can be done to improve the assistance and luggage services at all airports?
Take our flying survey to help us campaign for better air travel for disabled people.
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