How to have the perfect accessible break
If you’ve been dreaming of getting away for some time, even just for a weekend, but have been stopped by inaccessibility, then we’ve got the solution. Read on and watch our video with travel expert Carrie-Ann to learn how to have the perfect accessible break.
Planning an accessible holiday is a pain in the backside. There is the stress of:
- finding somewhere suitable to stay (especially when half the places that say they’re accessible simple are NOT);
- finding accessible things to do once you get there;
- and making sure you pack everything you need.
It’s all often enough to put any sensible person off the idea. Which is why this month Access All Areas is bringing you the ultimate guide to an accessible getaway.
Carrie-Ann Lightley is just like you. She’s a disabled person who enjoys travelling and seeing the sights. In fact, she’s so passionate about travel she joined the AccessAble team to help people find their way around accessible cities.
As people with disabilities, we face a million different obstacles to travelling in this world.
If you’ve ever booked an accessible hotel room only to find you can’t fit in the bathroom (or even the front door), then you’re NOT alone.
If you’ve ever spent months looking forward to a trip out only to find the venue isn’t accessible, then you’re NOT alone.
If you’ve ever had to abandon a trip because you have forgotten an important piece of medication or equipment, then you’re NOT alone.
If you’re afraid that your disability will make it much harder or even impossible to travel to the places you’ve always wanted to visit, then you’re NOT alone.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. People like Carrie-Ann are living proof…
What separates Carrie-Ann is her relentless desire to travel. It has given her the determination to find out how to overcome the barriers we all face. And now she’s going to share her top 5 travel tips with you in this months Access All Areas.
Have you ever wondered why it seems so easy for some disabled people to travel the world?
The down to earth and practical interview with Carrie-Ann reveals everything you ever needed to know to enjoy a fully accessible city break from someone who simply lives for travel.
If you’d like to get early access to the full video interview now, then click the link below to discover how to become a Patron of DHorizons and help us create the future of inclusion, where travel becomes barrier-free.
By Disability Horizons
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Hi, I am a member of the Rotary Club of Mersea Island. Mersea Island is a popular holiday or day trip destination and we are investigating how we can provide beach access for wheelchair users (or for mums with buggies).We are currently looking at beach matting which could be used by everyone but are struggling to find out if this has been successfully used on other beaches and what the pros and cons are. Do you have any experience of this kind of matting being used or can you suggest a better solution? Any advice would be welcome. Many thanks