Dating with hearing loss: what it really looks like
Let’s be honest, dating is tough as it is. But if you have hearing loss or are deaf, it can make things even more complicated. Should you mention your hearing loss on your online profile? How do you pick the right venue for your date? Online dating site, Meet Deaf Singles, explains what dating with hearing loss is really like if you have hearing problems, and offers tips on how to make it easier.
There are so many things to think about when it comes to dating, from what to wear and where to go, to wondering whether there will be a second date. Not to mention the fact that now most people meet online your profile determines whether someone will even consider you.
But, despite the added difficulties that can come with being deaf or having hearing loss, there are a lot of opportunities to meet deaf singles. Here are a few things you need to think about and ways to overcome difficulties.
Disclosing that you have hearing loss
If you choose online dating, opting for a niche website catering to the needs of people who are in a similar situation to you makes talking about your disability easier. It means that you can be upfront and open about your condition as people are likely to be far more welcoming.
However, if you decide to use a mainstream website, you’ll need to decide when to disclose your hearing loss. The decision will depend on what you feel most comfortable with, but, either way, it’s not something you can hide forever.
You could include it on your profile. If you do this, keep it light to show them that it doesn’t get in the way of your life. Of course, there will be people who discount you because of this – that’s a sad reality. But it stops you from wasting time with people who are unaccepting and close-minded.
Another option is mentioning it before you meet in person. This can make them a bit insecure and uncertain about how they should act around you. Be open, honest and explain the situation to reassure them. If they decide to end your conversations or not to meet you, they’re not worth your time.
The third option is to tell them as soon as you meet so that you can get it out of the way and move on with enjoying yourself. This is a bit riskier as you don’t know how they will react. However, it is a great indicator of what that person is really like.
Location, location, location
Location is very important if you have hearing loss. You’ll want to go somewhere quiet, less crowded and more intimate. You should feel free to suggest somewhere that suits you the most.
In addition, you should consider lighting. Yes, candlelight is romantic, but it doesn’t help with lip-reading. So, the place you choose for the first date should be both quiet and well-lit to ensure the communication goes seamlessly.
You can always be creative with your date ideas. For example, why not suggest a walk in the park with a picnic or offer to cook at your house. That way you will feel a lot more comfortable and won’t have to strain yourself when it comes to maintaining communication.
The day of the date
As well as the regular rules with a first date, such as looking your best and being yourself, there are some extra things that are worth doing differently.
The first is show up early, especially if it is a cafe or a restaurant. This is so that you can choose the best table, one that is secluded and quiet.
It will also be easier if you have a wall behind you. This should help to limit the exposure to background noise. If needs be, also ask the manager to turn down the volume of the music – chances are they’ll be willing to help.
Dating with hearing loss
As you can see, dating with hearing loss does require a bit more preparation and consideration, but that is not a reason to stay away from it. It might take a bit more effort, and you might run into people who are not ready to date someone with hearing loss. But you shouldn’t take that personally – simply say thank you and move on.
Finally, don’t forget that it is all about communication and, luckily, with online technology, such as Skype and FaceTime, you can maintain a great relationship with your date at any time – although in person is always far better and a lot more fun.
By Meet Disabled Singles
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